Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Personal Adoption Stories

Personal Adoption Story

I remember when we brought our second son home. He was placed with us in foster care, until the date of the legal adoption was to take place. ( in about a year)
We were ready to adopt number two and ready to devote our lives to the boy. We were proud parents again.....
As we got to know him better and he got more comfortable with us, he started showing a lot of negative behaviors.
He frequently (as in a couple times a week) threw temper tantrums that escalated into violent rages. Regardless, he had been in our home long enough and we loved him. To be quite honest, it was too much to bear, but the love we had for him kept us hanging in there by a thread. We knew we could eventually make a difference in him, and we did but it was a very long, rough road!
His first year of school with us was outside our school district in an emotional support classroom. That year he was suspended 22 times for swearing, kicking, screaming, biting, and throwing classroom furniture. It was a nightmare! Our adoption was then finalized and it sure seemed we were all on our own.
After the last explosion he had at school, and the police were involved, I decided I'd had enough. I began to home school him. That was yet another long, hard road but it paid off greatly! In that one year he came from a kindergarden/ 1RST grade level up to a fifth grade level, which is where he needed to be. His behaviors improved dramatically!
This is a possibility for anyone struggling with a special needs child that has severe behavioral problems and cannot function in a regular school setting.
We made great achievements that year!

I have a homeschooling site at:

He is now attending our home school in a regular education classroom. He is able to thrive in a normal setting and getting good grades. He has been able to make friends and his tantrums have not been for over a year!

Sometimes.... all it really takes is a lot of patience, hope, and hard work.
We are proof of that! It can be done!

Parenting tips, foster and adoption info. at the links below:


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